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Ballast Plate Straight

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Dispatched within: 24 hours
Price: €4.20

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Using Trixbrix Ballast plates is a fast and easy way to finish your layouts in style. Add brown, black or grey tiles to customize the sleepers. Ballasting tracks by hand can be quite time consuming so this is the perfect solution!
  • New approach to ballasting - save time & money!
  • Best purchased in bundles - with a 25% discount.
  • 10x faster than the old/standard ballasting method - 1 minute vs. 10 minutes per track.
  • More affordable compared to the standard method when purchasing individual ballasting pieces from multiple bricklink sellers - think about shipping costs! It's a rare case when you can buy all the needed pieces from a single seller.
  • Super convenient in transport, no randomly detached or lost pieces.
  • Improved clutch power of both studs and anti-studs.
  • Much easier on your fingers :D
  • Brown 1x1 and 1x4 tiles are not included.
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