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4-Track Left Rail Yard R104
Build super cool railyards to park idle trains or rolling stock using Trixbrix Railyards. The railyard sets includes several custom tracks to have a railyard in perfect geometry. This means you will always have a safe 8 studs between tracks and layouts will be easy to connect.
Included in this set is:
- 2 x Switch Right R104 with ground throw on the outside
- 2 x RC1 Railyard connector
- 3 x RC2 Railyard connector
- 1 x R104 curve
- 1 x R104 Ballast Curve
- 1 x Half length Straight track
- left version of the 4-track rail yard
- build a rail yard with 4 parallel tracks and a proper geometry (can be ballasted)
- you need a R104 Left Switch and place it at the beginning of the rail yard (sold separately here)
- instead of the R104 Left Switch you can use the Triple Switch R104 and build even a bigger rail yard
- if you want more parallel tracks, let us know, we will prepare a custom set just for you
- only 2 custom parts were needed for the rail yard to have a proper geometry - the RC1 and RC2 rail yard connectors
- total length of 7 straight LEGO® tracks + the length of the R104 switch (sold separately)
- contains 17 parts
Expanding the rail yard
To add 5th track to 4 track railyard you will need:
- 1x RC1 railyard connector
- 3x RC2 railyard connector
- 1x Left or Right R104 Switch with ground throw on the outside
You can extend the railyard how much you want always add this set and +1 RC2 connector .
So for the 6th track you will need do add set like this:
- 1x RC1 railyard connector
- 4x RC2 railyard connector
- 1x Left or Right R104 Switch with ground throw on the outside
See also:
4-Track Right Rail Yard R104
Left Switch R104
4-Track Left Rail Yard R40